Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Quick Post

While perusing for some clips to add to our group project, I came across this YouTuber. When I watched the first video, "Grief is Like Racing," I wasn't sure if he was mocking grief or if this guy was for real. Some of the things he touched on were right on the money and sensitive, but Nascar racing??? Honestly, how can anyone take that seriously! 

Further investigation on my part would show me that this guy actually knows what he is talking about! He is a Master's prepared licensed counselor! I can't believe he has only been on YouTube for 2 months and doesn't have a huge fan base yet. Count me in! I think what I like best about him is that he is making light of serious situations and is discreetly offering serious advice. 

Here is one of his videos and a link to his YouTube profile with the complete list of his videos.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

I found some new shoes!

While this one isn't exactly like the ones I found, it is still very similar. They are little jewelry boxes that look like flip flops! Very, very cute! And, amazingly inexpensive at $6.50 per shoe. I bought three of them from the Garden of Beadin' to use as gift boxes for some hand made jewelry. 

But I still love 'em

My Danskos have molded to become my most favorite pair of shoes. However, they have one eensy weensy problem - they have put a damper on my love of shoe shopping. Granted, they cost around $100 and that alone would be enough to make some people quit buying shoes. These shoes are so perfect that other shoes can't live up to the standard that my Danskos have set. Even my other "almost every dayers" get jealous because I don't take them out as often as my Danskos. My Danskos fit like warm fuzzy slippers on a cold winter's day. My foot is ying and my Dansko, yang.